It may seem like a no-brainer for some and a surprise for others, but stress is highly associated with clutter. While living with depression can often increase the risk of clutter, studies have shown that the more clutter you are surrounded with, the more stressful you experience. Living and working in a clean environment is a surefire way to begin eliminating stress from your life. Whether it’s just tidying up more regularly or doing a significant overhaul of your clutter, the moral of the story is the same. Less mess equals less stress. It can be frustrating for many to keep up with household tasks. This is especially true for people who live with others and have varying standards of cleanliness. A good way to address this issue is to assign those you live with specific tasks that they alone are responsible for so that the stress of cleaning up after others is eliminated as well as the messes themselves. If you find that you are struggling with people who don’t want to help you keep your environment clean, sometimes the best way to handle it is to take responsibility for yourself and yourself only. Clean your own dishes, do your own laundry, and claim a space for yourself that you can easily maintain without the interference of others. This will help to put your mind at ease over a problem that can sometimes seem to have no solution. If you find it difficult to keep up with household duties and maintain a clutter-free environment, don’t worry. There is always something you can do, like be sure to at least make your bed (you know the stuff your mama would tell you to do back in the day before you head off to school). After which you could expand to folding your nightclothes and putting them away, so a pile of clothes lying on the floor is not the first thing you see when you enter your bedroom, when you come home. Your home is supposed to be a place where you can escape the madness of the world so it should be in order. Take small steps at first in putting a system in place that you can maintain. If things are bad, start one room at a time until completion and have a plan ready to keep it maintained. Set rules for yourself and a time limit for each task so you know that on a certain day, you will be spending thirty minutes dusting and an hour doing regular household upkeep. Once everything is deep cleaned, maintaining that standard can be as little as ten minutes per day if you break it up into a routine. Then once a month you can begin to do a deep clean, so it gets easier and easier to stay on top of the clutter. Every facet of your life could benefit from having a good system in place. This can be especially true for motivated and busy people. If you are having a hard time juggling your responsibilities and tend to put cleaning at the bottom of the list, remember there is always something you can do to improve your situation, It would significantly reduce the stress that you are experiencing if you move cleaning up on your list of priorities and develop a regular schedule or your daily routine that includes making sure that the spaces where you spend the most time are as clean as possible! To help end suffering, William J. McClelland CLC, CNC, CMPNLP
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Disclaimer: Please understand that the content of this article is not meant to replace the advice of a licensed physician. The information provided here is intended as educational material only and should never be interpreted as medical advice. If you feel that your condition is a medical emergency, please contact your physician or mental healthcare professional immediately