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Updated: Jul 30, 2020

How often do you hear people say “I can’t do this”? All too often, Don’t you think? Now,is the time to be honest with yourself, how often have you said

If you find yourself constantly saying, “I can’t” (as Anthony Robbins one of the world most transformation specialist so eloquently put it: “INCAN’T-TATIONS”. You must change your thinking. That is if you have something your want to accomplish. If you are reading articles like this one I am assuming you do. In many cases, “I can’t” really means “I won’t”. (Now remember we are being honest here).

Think about how often you say to yourself you can’t do something. In retrospect, that thing you once said you can’t do, in fact was just a minor obstacle standing in your way.

Why do we down right refuse sometimes to overcome even the smallest obstacle? I would bet a dollar to a dime it is fear that stops us. Often times with just a little effort, we can circumvent these small obstacles, and accomplish our hearts’ desire.

Let’s take a look at some the the “ I Can’t” statements that may be standing in the way of accomplishing what we really want out of this very short life.  In his book “The Strangest Secret” Earl Nightingale called them alibis:

I can’t because I am to old. – Ronald Reagan was 69 when he was elected president the United States of America.

I can’t because I am not smart enough. – Charles Culpeper, owner and CEO of Coca Cola Dropped out of high school.

I can’t because I don’t have enough Money (My personal favorite I have use this one in the past myself) Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak – Apple, the world’s second most valuable company (about $110 Billion cash reserves) was started in Jobs basement with nothing more than $1,250.

What do these men have in common? I would say a steadfast belief that they could achieve their objective, in spite of their perceived limitation. Henry Ford the founder of Ford motor Company once quoted: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”

How To Change Your Thinking From “I Can’t” To “I Can and I Will”

Though he did not invent the automobile as so many will have you believe he did through his philosophy of possibility thinking, develop and manufactured the first automobile that middle class Americans could afford.

Certainly, it is better to think we can do a thing in opposition to thinking we can’t. However, “I can” can also be dangerous. I encourage you to use cautious optimism when adopting the “I can” philosophy.

So if its possible for you, me and everyone else to think we can do a thing, (Which is a good thing by the way)the question begs to be asked, why don’t we?

I could take you down the road of countless scientific documentations and studies about the years of mental conditioning. Needless to say that is not the purposes of this article.

Don’t get too excited just yet “I can” is only a good first step, at this point it is just the belief that we can accomplish a thing.

I am sure you have heard it before; belief without action is nothing or “Faith without works is dead”. At some point, there has to be a transition from saying we can do a thing to doing something. Do what you ask? (Anything that moves in the direction of your desired goal that’s what).

The next step is to think “I will”. This is where we take a hard look at what we want to accomplish, and start thinking about how to do it. Write out your goals, and the steps needed to achieve the goal.

Spend an adequate amount of time planning what you need to do to accomplish your goals.

Do not spend too much time planning. It is easy to get caught up in the trap of over planning, and over thinking.

At some point we need to simply start doing. Start Taking Action On Your Plans.

Now, we have now reached the “I am” stage.

We have overcome the fear and inaction of “I can’t” stage.

We have moved beyond simply believing the “I can” stage.

We have made our plans and now are in the “I will” stage.

Now we have to look at the list of steps to reach those goals, and start taking action. Just take it one step at a time and move closer to those goals. Other obstacles may crop up on the way. If this happens, try not to let this stop you. Step back for a moment, figure out a way up, under, over and around them. Keep moving forward and soon you’ll find yourself at “I have” stage.

“I have” is accomplishment.

We’ve overcome our fears.

Believed we can do it.

Have planned it out and have taken action.

Now you are seeing the results of your efforts. We’ve reached our goals.

Think of some area of your life where you can apply these principles, apply them, keep moving. In time you will move from “I can’t” to “I have”.

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